Online resume builder & Transition Assistance Tool
We are proud to partner with RESUME BUILDER, a premier service offering a quick and easy way to create your professional resume online! They have many templates to choose from and there is a dedicated MILITARY to Civilian Transition page.
Here's What you will get FREE!
30+ Professional Resume Templates
Choose from over thirty modern and professional templates. All of which can be customized to your liking.
Fast and Easy to Use
Our free resume builder lets you easily and quickly create a resume using our resume wizard.
Robust Text Editor
Our text editor has everything you need to customize your resume. Choose different fonts, sizes, bullets and much more.
Download your resume as PDF
Download your resume and send it straight to the hiring manager. Whatever format you choose, we’ve got you covered.
WhY is This So Important?

The transition from military to civilian can be a challenge to many...a solid resume is a good first step
Resume Resource Center
**ALso available FREE**
Need help building your resume? By analyzing thousands of winning resumes, we were able to build guides to help you build the perfect resume for the job you want. We’re adding more and more examples and guides every week in order to have the most comprehensive directory of resume examples. Click below to check out some of our featured resume examples along with tips for making your resume stand out!